Friday 22 June 2012

Hi I'm Zoe and I'm going to fail my philosophy exam.

No but seriously...this course is a joke. They expect us to remember all these theories, and pick out EVERY SINGLE LITTLE DETAIL that may be a sign of a false premise, or ends up being that the theory is defunct. Thing is, I can't even fill 12 pages with intellectual bs, because you need to know the theory;

Example A) The failure of- the doctrine of substitutability of co-referential expressions salva veritae, in intensional context. 

Translation; 1. Caitlin's belief is that Canberra is exciting (ha)
                    2. Caitlin believes the Australian national capital is exciting.

Holding both statements, 1 cannot equal 2, despite the co-referential expressions of 'Canberra' and 'Australian national capital'. Because it is not exactly the same thing....somehow...

My exam isn't until 1:50pm, but I'm still freaking out. Time to cram some more.

Maybe I'll just drop the Arts section of my degree and continue with the straight Commerce degree.

God I can't wait for these exams to be over- 11.10am Monday morning can't come quick enough.

P.s I'm dyeing my hair red. If it looks terrible...well let's hope it doesn't. 

Adieu and wish me luck!

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